WorldsOnlyHope Sep 18, 2014 Update for September! Destiny is awesome! Level 25 and climbing. Can you get to my level? ...end of message.
Update for September! Destiny is awesome! Level 25 and climbing. Can you get to my level? ...end of message.
WorldsOnlyHope Jul 28, 2014 Update for July: I have the means but not the speed to be on Xbox live. Living in a rural area has cut the legs from under me so to speak. Internet speed is less than 1 mbps and doesn't support live yet. I'm still working on a solution.
Update for July: I have the means but not the speed to be on Xbox live. Living in a rural area has cut the legs from under me so to speak. Internet speed is less than 1 mbps and doesn't support live yet. I'm still working on a solution.
KoG RUSTY XD Apr 30, 2014 Awesome man. I will try to hop on the Xbox One today so we can game on some Ghosts or Titanfall.
KoG RUSTY XD Apr 28, 2014 No problem bud. I will be on there tomorrow hopefully so we can game. Have a good night Mr. Zero!
KoG RUSTY XD Apr 18, 2014 Sup Zero! I just want to say welcome to XGC New Breed Hope to game with you soon man!
XGC Apollo Feb 28, 2014 I feel you there man. Ya i play it every now and then try and stay with 360 most of the time cause thats where my clans are at. Hbu?
I feel you there man. Ya i play it every now and then try and stay with 360 most of the time cause thats where my clans are at. Hbu?
D D DuoBlertZ Jan 20, 2014 I noticed before but kept my mouth shut that you have the 00 gundam as your avatar.
XGC Tant XD Jan 19, 2014 I hope you're almost finished with your move because we sure do miss you!!! <3 <3