X X XGC xMORROWx Jun 4, 2015 Yep just busy reading in new recruits trying to get enough for a clan split
SFP Jordan SD May 25, 2015 Lol. Right? Live right by michigan tech university though. Pretty nice towns. Safer and nicer than back in 734. I feel priveleged now, we finally got 4GLTE for our phones too! Hahaha
Lol. Right? Live right by michigan tech university though. Pretty nice towns. Safer and nicer than back in 734. I feel priveleged now, we finally got 4GLTE for our phones too! Hahaha
SFP Jordan SD May 25, 2015 Lol. Right? Live right my michigan tech univerzity though. Pretty nice towns. Safer and nicer than back in 734
Lol. Right? Live right my michigan tech univerzity though. Pretty nice towns. Safer and nicer than back in 734
X X XGC Cherrythis May 25, 2015 heck yea man. Im from Traverse City up in the north. Born and raised!
XGC TLC86 May 22, 2015 Thank you... Sorry I didn't get this sooner I haven't been on here in a Lil while.
N N Nica78 May 19, 2015 That's great. I know I hate CT taxes. They are ridiculous but I am stuck here for work so I have to live with it LOL
That's great. I know I hate CT taxes. They are ridiculous but I am stuck here for work so I have to live with it LOL