SYN Shaman Jul 27, 2014 Will do but it's kinda when people are stubborn and don't understand the concept of a clan.
Q Q Queen Vampire N Jul 27, 2014 I am sorry I had plans to do with my family and blade joined us so that's why he wasn't able to make either
I am sorry I had plans to do with my family and blade joined us so that's why he wasn't able to make either
SYN Shaman Jul 27, 2014 I know I won't but anyway I'm trying to get the clan to know about the 3 word story and trying to get more members to play it
I know I won't but anyway I'm trying to get the clan to know about the 3 word story and trying to get more members to play it
SYN Shaman Jul 27, 2014 good so im sorry i did not make the meeting me and queen were out with her fam so whats new in the clain
good so im sorry i did not make the meeting me and queen were out with her fam so whats new in the clain
KoG JOE Jul 24, 2014 I'll take that and raise you 1 water purification specialist 4 tours to gitmo a bum leg and kp clean up duty.
I'll take that and raise you 1 water purification specialist 4 tours to gitmo a bum leg and kp clean up duty.
KoG JOE Jul 23, 2014 I'll take that and raise you one court marshal simply on the fact that I'm awesome!
S S SYN xRuin Jul 22, 2014 there was but the person who would have that info is SYN Snobunnie and shes been inactive for almost a year.
there was but the person who would have that info is SYN Snobunnie and shes been inactive for almost a year.