XGC TigerLily Jan 11, 2015 Aw and I just got destiny again. But I am also getting dying light at the end of the month
KoG RUSTY XD Dec 25, 2014 Merry Christmas Larry! I hope you have a safe and fun time with your families and friends.
F F FaceUp Dec 4, 2014 #BadKid Where've you been? You haven't been online for me to carry you on Call of Duty. Haha
SYN FIN XS Nov 30, 2014 Hey silent. If you could I really appreciate your help. On two things. I need help on trying to get my section leader/ general to update the squad list and clan list. Plus I need help on updating my signature !
Hey silent. If you could I really appreciate your help. On two things. I need help on trying to get my section leader/ general to update the squad list and clan list. Plus I need help on updating my signature !
CAPOS SNOW Nov 23, 2014 Do they even allow more room for clan banners next to your name or is that as much as you can actually have?
Do they even allow more room for clan banners next to your name or is that as much as you can actually have?
S S SYN Sweetz Nov 20, 2014 I know that's right ha.. Cx I have the same games plus some old ones I recently got. Why.? Yes, you =Trouble. Cx Don't front silent. Lol
I know that's right ha.. Cx I have the same games plus some old ones I recently got. Why.? Yes, you =Trouble. Cx Don't front silent. Lol
S S SYN Sweetz Nov 18, 2014 Same things different days lol. Finally back tho. What have you been up to trouble.? Cx