Lil Sneezer37 Aug 2, 2016 Mine does the same thing. But it does eject just doesnt wanna play any dvds or games that i try to put in.
Mine does the same thing. But it does eject just doesnt wanna play any dvds or games that i try to put in.
Lil Sneezer37 Aug 1, 2016 Lately I've been playing lego marvel superheroes. I'll play bo3 every now and again same with division. I have just been testing new games out. You?
Lately I've been playing lego marvel superheroes. I'll play bo3 every now and again same with division. I have just been testing new games out. You?
S S SYN Imhotep Jun 22, 2016 Hey buddy its been a while. howve you been? if you wanna catch up on the box my gt is UG Imhotep CO.
G Guest Oct 15, 2015 Hey GodFather, just wanted to kind of introduce myself as your new Section Leader! I hope to meet you on the xbox soon! Let me know if you need anything!
Hey GodFather, just wanted to kind of introduce myself as your new Section Leader! I hope to meet you on the xbox soon! Let me know if you need anything!
NGC FxValis Oct 12, 2015 Welcome to XGC Titan Destiny Squad Your General is XGC FxValis You Capt is XGC DuBz