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  • Oh shoot. Ok, I'll try to sign into live on my iPad and accept it. My bad. *hint- Don't choose jerks as friends. haha. jk
    Been sick for 7 days now, feel like death. Sorry if someone's been trying to get a hold of me it's like I'm never gonna get better :( blehh
    Lmfao... I love how the last 10 people to visit this page were all people that had beefs with me.. yup I'm stop here folks. Didn't go off and start my own thing like ya'll lol
    That was ignorant and uncalled for! Oh and P.S very immature and unprofessional! I didnt name call at all...even if I did it happened on kik which has NOTHING to do with this site or xbox so how could uou report me? Anyways for the LAST time I am asking that you leave me and my guys the hell alone! Get a grip Joe its a clan NOT real life! Gaming is gaming and NOTHING more! People do this for fun not to try and show off who has the bugger di*k! NOW LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!!!!!
    FINALLY!!!! you did something to do with the clan! Thats fine cause we are NOT under you anymore! I have asked you a TON of times to leave me alone already and to STOP harassing me and my clan just cause no one liked you because you did nothing does not mean you can harass me or any of my guys. Name calling is just plain ignorant and pathetic. As for you reporting me for name calling and poaching....1. NONE of us left so how did I poach? I have been keeping my guys around!! 2. You came at me on kik messanger and I replyed back (no name calling) you threw my mom into the mix (cause she is sick I should step down??)
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