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KoG Jin
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  • Yea no doubt bro, do you want a specific type of guardian? like a titan or hunter or even Warlock lol :p I just need to redownload PS Cs6 and then I can do it.
    What exactly are you looking for as far as banners? And just to make sure check out my work I don't want to say yea and you don't like my stuff ya know. Just check the designers forums and you'll see me and a majority of my work on there. Take a look and let me know if you still want me to be the Designer to do it, I also did my clans banner its the cobra commander on it let me know what you think I can do a lil bit of animation so let me know.
    Hey Adversity, that's a good thing bro. My clan's main game is BF4 that's what I mostly play but I also have GTA5 but I don't really care for it. I was talking to ShreddA About us being generals needing to create a platform for ourselves where we can learn about one another and exchange ideas on how we can better our clans by getting our clan members more active whether on the Xbox or on the forums or both. Thanks for hitting me up bro, I appreciate that. I'm Always down for jamming.
    I don't know what to say though, and when you sent that message about the opportunity what was it. I was out of town.
    Well my question was that you should like let me license transfer Destiny off you man!! Megan said she bought it for you and that she already transferred so she led me to you!! Pleeeeasssee man!?!
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