XGC xTFLEMx XI Feb 27, 2014 Cool. check out the stream. We will pick you up if we get room. Twitch.tv/jumphighkitty
IXssl Feb 27, 2014 Everything is good same $hit different day you know how it goes bro? Hows the youtube channel I finally got my easycap card I mean unfortunately I won't be able to record in HD but it's better than nothing right lol
Everything is good same $hit different day you know how it goes bro? Hows the youtube channel I finally got my easycap card I mean unfortunately I won't be able to record in HD but it's better than nothing right lol
S S SYN AutoTeq Feb 27, 2014 Go read my grass is greener post that im going to repost when my 90 days is up.
S S SYN AutoTeq Feb 27, 2014 Not doing to bad, Sitting the living room with Jynxx trying to play BLOPS 2 for ENSOULS going away game night but my box is freezing lmao.
Not doing to bad, Sitting the living room with Jynxx trying to play BLOPS 2 for ENSOULS going away game night but my box is freezing lmao.
S S SYN AutoTeq Feb 27, 2014 Hey Fox how you doing buddy. I hear it is cold as hell in the glove right now.
XGC Apollo Feb 27, 2014 Ya i might hop on there tonight got some stuff to handle on the Xbox first though.