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  • Resentful:
    the feeling of displeasure or indignation at some act, remark, person, etc., regarded as causing injury or insult.

    I peed my pants today in school. Im still wearing my pee pants!
    We need the 2015 clan list archive up because i just moved a 2015 list to the 2014 archive
    to lead by deception

    Im sorry i thought this was america!
    I got popsicles down in the basement!

    Wait is this not the word of the day slash random quote thread? Damn not again...

    to lie or wait in concealment, as a person in ambush; remain in or around a place secretly or furtively.

    Something I wasn't doing. I just took it as you said it. Whatever, I am not here to profile battle or lurk. Just catching up with old "friends"
    Lurking the site that I have had an account way longer than you. I am not lurking anything. I know XG like the back of my hand. Have I have broken any of your rules oh the great faceup sir? Problem with me staying in contact with friends? Do I hurt your feeling logging onto this account? Are you butt hurt with me? I never had any problems with you but not scared to start.
    yep you caught me lol. I'm procrastinating these 5 finals this week by going on these sites from high school. Sure does bring back good memories. What are you up to? Are you working or in college ?
    #WorseKid I've been outta town working currently on the border of Kentucky and Tennessee near Nashville. Getting paid good tho so I can get that XB1 :p
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