X X XGC STRiKER Jun 4, 2014 Hey buddy, Does XGC Lethal scream Stealth... LOL Eastside said I had to come up with something else because it screamed stealth.
Hey buddy, Does XGC Lethal scream Stealth... LOL Eastside said I had to come up with something else because it screamed stealth.
J J jurtice Jun 2, 2014 Pretty good man made my way back over to KoG taking another crack at it things are looking good.
XGC Phntm XD May 29, 2014 How do I get the Xiled Paintball Team banner on my profile? I have been playing paintball for 8 years now and would love to rep that on my profile.
How do I get the Xiled Paintball Team banner on my profile? I have been playing paintball for 8 years now and would love to rep that on my profile.
KoG JoKeRz FuRy May 27, 2014 A whole lot of... nothing. Going to be on gaming plenty tomorrow since I only have to work like 4 hours or so! What's up with you?
A whole lot of... nothing. Going to be on gaming plenty tomorrow since I only have to work like 4 hours or so! What's up with you?