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  • Hey couldn't post in the meeting Attendance that was up already(it's closed) so I made a new one if you could please make it a sticky.. thank you boss
    Hey u ever try out the ideas I gave ya? Haven't talked with u since the last time in chat. Was curious if they worked for ya
    Hello XGC Babyblue XS, I thought you should know to pass on a message to the higher ups that the app for facebook is no longer functioning, here is the message I get when I try to use the app sign in: App Not Setup: The developers of this app have not set up this app properly for Facebook Login.
    Blue! I know you want to join the XGG scrimmage team! We need more chicks to participate every once in a while either on the 360 or the one. Be tempted . . . you know you are . . i'll make it easy for you & provide a link straight to the sign-ups! Click HERE
    Its been over 2 months since I posted tbat thread to rejoin. Can you remind someone about it or something? This is far past silly and now passing ridiculous.
    awesome. yea my old general said they got merged into backfire and some other clan.

    but since im getting a ONE I might as well just look for a new home lol
    Thank you SO MUCH
    I havnt gotten it yet, but was prolly going get Advanced Warfare with it.
    Do you know if EVolution got shut down?
    No, i went inactive cause i got deployed.
    I sent a few ppl msgs but havnt heard back yet
    I've been in xgc for years and want to stay in,lol
    Heyyyy, I recongize your name and thought i'd contact ya.
    I was/am part of xgc evolution.lol
    I havnt had my xbox 360 since May 2014, I joined the air force and I msged some of the ppl on here and havnt heard anything.
    General was XGC meowpenguin.
    But i may be getting an xbox one over here in Korea and wanted to know how i'd go about getting in touch with the right ppl lol
    Thank you in advance,
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