KoG JOE Aug 22, 2014 lol sounds like a plan man. whats good with you tonight? east coast or west? 6am my time.. crazy bored
lol sounds like a plan man. whats good with you tonight? east coast or west? 6am my time.. crazy bored
KoG JOE Aug 22, 2014 Hmm.. can never seem to get away from your name lol figured I'd stop by and say hello
K K KoG FamlyValues Aug 14, 2014 motha flickin BIC SRAAAAAAAAAAAM lol what's up my dude we needs to get on some of that titanfall BIC BOoOoOoOoOoOy
motha flickin BIC SRAAAAAAAAAAAM lol what's up my dude we needs to get on some of that titanfall BIC BOoOoOoOoOoOy
SYN SammieGirl Aug 2, 2014 Just wanted to stop by and tell you that I had a lot of fun playing with you and your friends on Black Ops II !! We need to do it again... soon! You never know.. I might just end up liking it! haha
Just wanted to stop by and tell you that I had a lot of fun playing with you and your friends on Black Ops II !! We need to do it again... soon! You never know.. I might just end up liking it! haha
I I Il PH0ENIX lI Jul 2, 2014 pssst, hey buddy, find us XG xbox one gamers to play with on there, you're good at meeting folks, cause you are dorktastic!
pssst, hey buddy, find us XG xbox one gamers to play with on there, you're good at meeting folks, cause you are dorktastic!
X X XGC Wheezie Jun 22, 2014 heck yeah man, i am down i am off every night other than wednesday and saturday. so let me know when you would like to
heck yeah man, i am down i am off every night other than wednesday and saturday. so let me know when you would like to
F F Foxywidower May 27, 2014 Hah! My post about your run on sentences...that was last year. I don't even remember what I had for lunch. Haha
Hah! My post about your run on sentences...that was last year. I don't even remember what I had for lunch. Haha
XGC SInIST3R May 22, 2014 yeah im always hearing them playing lol and yeah let me know when there's a game night and i will try and be there
yeah im always hearing them playing lol and yeah let me know when there's a game night and i will try and be there