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General Promotion For SYN Shifty

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SYN General Promotion - SYN Shifty

SYN Shifty joined the community around Aug. 17, 2020. He started under SYN Shaggy over in SYN BLOODLINE. He has shown such improvements in the community and has grown to be an amazing leader. He steadily pushed his squad and grew it quick. He did most of the recruitment for BLOODLINE, and within 3 weeks grew it up to 56 members. He has worked really hard pushing towards getting members and getting a clan split. He is in a great mindset for being a leader and I see him moving forward in the community. And I see great things coming from his clan. Please give him a big congrats on his promotion!​

General Promotion SYN Tgyles28

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SYN General Promotion - SYN Tgyles28

SYN Tgyles28 originally joined XG back on April 30 2016 into KoG. SYN Tgyles28 transferred into SYN Homicidal in March of this year seeking to return to SYN which he stated has always felt like his one true home. While in SYN XILED KINGS he worked hard to achieve his goals to return to leadership. Through hard work and pure diligence, he got his chance. SYN Tgyles28 has worked closely with his leadership showing he had what it took to be an effective leader. SYN Tgyles28 has displayed the drive to achieve any goal for himself while helping his fellow members and assisting in the growth of the community.

So it gives me great pleasure in congratulating SYN Tgles28 on his promotion to General over SYN Xiled Kings!!!

SYN General promotion SYN Ember

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Please congratulate
SYN Ember
Promotion of General over SYN Purgatory!!

SYN Ember was recruited into SYN Nightmare November 23,2017. Where her dedication to her squad earned her the opportunity to be chosen for a lieutenant over Resurrection squad under SYN Teal. Once SYN Nightfall spilt off. SYN Ember was promoted to captain of her own squad (Mirage). SYN Ember worked very closely with her general to built up SYN Nightfall to the point of a clan split.
SYN Purgatory was born!
After taking some personal time away from the community. SYN Ember found herself missing her beloved community. SYN Ember came back into SYN Blackwater where she quickly got back into swing of

KoG Promotion - KoG DdbleE

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KoG DdbleE
on your Promotion
To General over
KoG Monarch

KoG DdbleE join Xiled Gaming Jan 2020 into at the time was KoG Velocity.
Since the day she moved up in leadership, she always asked questions when needed and she was always on top of things required of her rank. She was there for all of her members and always had things done in advanced or on time and always sets a great example of what leadership was.

She did what was best for her clan and fellow clan members and always put them first.
I have only had the opportunity to work with her for a short amount of time but I can honestly say, this girl puts up a good fight. She is beyond a shadow of a doubt a great leader and a great learner.

I look forward to working with you more in the near future.


KoG Promotion : iG Catt

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iG Catt
On your promotion to General

Ohh..I don't know where to start. This member joined Xiled Gaming Feb2020 and honestly has been kicking butts ever since. The motivation that she has shown in this community is amazing. She was recruited in KoG Mafia by KoG Leonhart and MidnightRukia for Apex Legends. Few months after joining, she had the opportunity to take on a leadership role as a Lieutenant over Underworld squad in KoG Mafia. Continuously growing the squad and making it better each day. Shortly after her Lieutenant position, she was given the opportunity to move up in ranks again as the Captain of Underworld squad. Recruiting and ensuring that no member is left behind.

Tuesday, Sept 30th, 2020
was born.
OHANA means FAMILY, family means no one gets left behind or forgotten.

CONGRATULATIONS again on your promotion to General. I look forward to working with you and seeing you grow.

SYN General Promotion SYN LCrows

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Please help me in congratulating SYN LCrows on getting the General spot over SYN BLADEZ.

SYN LCrows joined our XG family back in Nov 2019 into SYN Predators. Not long after he went out with SYN Predators first split to SYN Shianigami where he took his first role in leadership as an LT. He worked hard and showed his ability to lead and get people motivated. He soon made Captain and was moving forward with great ease.

Unfortunately things fell out quickly and he had to step away from the clan for a bit. After a few months SYN LCrows was back and in SYN BLADEZ where he showed his leadership abilities once again and started moving back up the ranks. After working hard with a strong will for success, SYN LCrows finally reached his ultimate goal of earning a Generals position. Great job and can’t wait to see you reach all your goals. Congrats once again SYN LCrows.

SYN General Promotion - SYN BAD

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SYN General Promotion - SYN BAD

SYN BAD was recruited into SYN BLADEZ on February 25, 2020. Right away, he was showing interest in leadership. By his third week inside of SYN BLADEZ he was being trained up to be an LT.

When SYN BAD got his own squad in BLADEZ he started to shine like no other. He did 3 squad splits within two months and went through two clan splits.

SYN BAD was promoted to General over SYN HAVOC last night and he has a lot of motivation and drives to get to all of his goals within the clan. He has grown into a great leader and I don’t see him stopping anytime soon. Congratulations on your promotion, sir.

SYN General Promotion - Bullmn

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Everyone please join me in congratulating Bullmn on his promotion to General of SYN ABYSS.
Bullmn and I have been friends on Xbox Live going back to Halo 2. He is an avid CoD and Rocket League player, and one hell of a friend. Bullmn had a Clan named Devils of Gaming from Halo 2 through CoD 4 MW. When it ended, I remember him telling me that he would never start or join another clan. Flash forward to January of 2020. While we were playing CoD MW and Rocket League with my fellow members of SYN Gotham, he became intrigued at my excitement about this community of ours and the possibility of joining a clan again.

After a month of this, I was able to recruit Bullmn. He joined XG as a member of SYN Gotham on February 16th, 2020. Imagine my excitement to have another of my old friends join me in this community.

Not long after Bullmn joined, I was made a Captain of Joker Squad in SYN Gotham and he...

KoG General Promotion - KoG Revan

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Congratulations to KoG Revan On his Promotion to General Over KoG Leviathan
KoG Revan joined the community in 2007 during the Halo days into KoG Good Game. As a new member, he knew that he was going to achieve goals in Xiled Gaming.
During his time in the early years of XG, through motivation and passion, he was able to achieve his goal and was promoted to Section Leader in KoG. Due to personal life crisis, he had to go Inactive.
After returning to Xiled Gaming, he joined KoG LookOut under KoG Alucard and once again was determined to set goals for the clan as well as himself. Helping the clan grow and setting an example to lower-ranking members that here in KoG we are Family. The love and dedication that he shows for this Community and its members goes above and beyond.

Congratulations, KoG Revan. I look forward to working with you and watching...

SYN General Promotion - SYN Cinder

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SYN General Promotion - SYN Cinder

SYN Cinder was recruited in on Sept 17 2011 into XGC kings. Although she transferred to XGC Vixens when XGC Still had Clans. Cinder came back in XGC Xiled Kings. Cinder transferred to XGC Coldfire and the clan split into XGC 101st XK. SYN Cinder transferred from XGC Division to SYN Division into SYN Divergent. Also, transferred to SYN War Underneath SYN Ribon. However, Cinder was merged into SYN Eternal due to the clan being shut down at the time. Although, Kept her squad and continue to grow the squad. Then clan split into SYN Valhalla. Cinder has shown great leadership skills and is very determined, her main focus is for growth and development for her clan. Cinder has big plans for SYN Valhalla as well as many goals set. She is flourishing in her own way. She's very determined and driven to grow. Cinder is very positive and an excellent listener when it comes to her members. Cinder...