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XG Rank Structure

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XGC Traitor XC

The Queen's CoD Player
XG Addict
Tournament Admin
Jul 15, 2010
Oceanside, CA
Xiled Gaming Rank Structure


A Recruit is a gamer who has been invited as a probationary member to Xiled Gaming (XG). The Recruit’s week-long probationary period provides the clan and the Recruit with purposeful feedback regarding the potential member and clan’s compatibility. After the Recruit’s probationary period expires, the clan’s members will collectively decide whether to offer membership to the prospective member. The Recruit’s probationary period may be extended by the Clan Leader at his/her discretion. Recruits who are not offered memberships, may re-engage with another XG clan.


A Member is a recreational gamer who serves as a representative of Xiled Gaming and its core values. Gamers who reach the rank of Member have earned the privilege of requesting an XG gamertag.

Member Role:
  • Register on XiledGaming.com and respective Divisional Discord servers.
  • Acknowledge and uphold the XG Honor Code and the community’s core values.
  • Remain an active participant in the clan and other community-affiliated activities.
  • Recruit quality like-minded gamers.


Squad Leader is the entry level leadership position within an individual clan. A Squad Leader’s focus is building and maintaining the clan’s individual squads. Squad Leaders work directly with the Clan Leader to achieve clan benchmarks and provide an engaging online experience for his/her squad. Squad Leaders serve as role models for the community.

Squad Leader Role:
  • Provide a fun and engaging online experience for his/her squadmates.
  • Enforce the Honor Code and handle any disputes within his/her own squad.
  • Assist in the development of members.
  • Maintain a squad list, editing when appropriate.
  • Recruit quality, like-minded gamers.


Clan Leader is the highest level of leadership within an individual clan. Clan Leaders oversee the day-to-day operations within a clan. A Clan Leader’s focus is building and maintaining strong, member-centric clans by facilitating a fun and engaging online experience for clan members. Clan Leaders should serve as role models for the community.

Clan Leader Role:
  • Provide a fun and engaging online experience for the entire clan.
  • Enforce the Honor Code and handle any disputes within his/her own clan.
  • Recommend Squad Leaders to Section Leaders for promotion consideration, when appropriate.
  • Establish and implement the clan’s meeting and event schedules.
  • Assist in the development of members into leadership roles.
  • Maintain the Clan List, updating monthly.
  • Maintain the clan’s Discord channels.
  • Submit gamertag requests to Section Leaders for approval.
  • Attend bi-monthly leadership meetings with the community’s leadership.


Section Leader is a leadership position within Xiled Gaming. Section Leaders are responsible for the growth and development of multiple clans within their own respective division. Section Leaders are expected to assist Clan Leaders in facilitating a fun and engaging online experience for clan members. Section Leaders should serve as role models for the community.

Section Leader Role:
  • Provide a fun and engaging online experience for the entire section.
  • Enforce the Honor Code and handle any disputes within his/her own section.
  • Assist in the development of members into leadership roles.
  • Coordinate with Division Leaders to promote new Clan Leaders.
  • Facilitate clan splits and the formation of new clans.
  • Moderate section’s clan forums and Discord channels.
  • Maintain a detailed understanding of their assigned clans’ status i.e. member count, activity levels on primary game(s), candidates for promotion etc.., and communicate that information via Section Updates.
  • Attend bi-monthly leadership meetings with the community’s leadership.


Division Leader is a leadership position within Xiled Gaming. Division Leaders are responsible for the growth and development of their designated division. Division Leaders will often be tasked with managing complex and dynamic situations requiring swift and appropriate action. Division Leaders are expected to coordinate with the division’s Section Leaders and Community Leaders in order to evaluate the potential formation of new clans. Division Leaders are expected to work with leadership within the division to provide a fun and engaging online experience for the division. Division Leaders should serve as role models for the community.

Division Leader Role:
  • Provide a fun and engaging online experience for the entire division.
  • Enforce the Honor Code and handle any disputes within the division.
  • Assist with the development of Section Leaders into leadership roles within the division.
  • Maintain an appropriate level of availability to meet with Section Leaders regarding section updates and potential promotion recommendations.
  • Assess and approve potential promotion recommendations to Clan Leader in a timely manner.
  • Assign/reassign clans to Section Leaders within the division.
  • Lead bi-monthly leadership meetings with the community’s leadership.


Community Leader is a leadership position within Xiled Gaming. Community Leaders oversee the daily operations of the entire community. Community Leaders are also tasked with providing oversight of the community and the development of its leadership. Community Leaders should serve as role models for the community.

Community Leader Role:
  • Provide a fun and engaging online experience for the entire community.
  • Provide community-wide oversight and accountability.
  • Direct the development of leadership.
  • Maintain an appropriate level of availability to meet with Division Leaders to discuss performance expectations.
  • Lead bi-monthly leadership meetings with the community’s leadership.


The Council of Leaders is made up of the governing members of Xiled Gaming. The Council of Leaders work within a democratic structure in order to provide a fun and engaging online experience for the members of the community.

Last Revised 8-11-2024.
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