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XAngel HeavenX

Forum Rookie
May 10, 2016
Tampa Fl
Events Team Application:

1) What is your username and gamer tag?

XAngel HeavenX

2) What times are you available during the week? Do these times change often?

8AM-12PM & 3PM-3AM Everyday

3) What are your current ideas of events you'd like to hold?

Gladiator Matches, Superbowl Playoffs, Knife Wars, Michael Myers, Scrimmages, V.I.P

4) If you had to describe yourself in 1 sentence, how would you do so?

The guy that brings people together and sends everyone home laughing in good spirits.

5) Have you ever planned, held, or helped host an event? If so, please list which and how many times you have done so.

Gladiator Matches between different members of SYN x4 , Scrimmages x3, Michael Myers x4

6) If the answer to any of the above questions is "yes", what type of an event was it?

Gladiator Matches between different members of SYN x4 , Scrimmages x3, Michael Myers x4

7) Which console/'s will you be hosting game nights on?

XBOX 360 Black Ops 2

8) How long have you been in XG? Please also list whether you have left XG and returned, or not.

1 month

9) What division and clan are you currently in? What is your rank?


10) What is your main reasoning in wanting to join the Events Team?

To really show the constant new flow of faces that join the XG community how much larger we are than meets the eyes. This will encourage them to tell other quality players that they know about how big this family really is. At the end of the day, just to have fun within our community and enjoy the game.

11) What do you hope to accomplish if accepted?

I hope to bring people together, start new friendships, and really boost the entire community morale with new ideas and events that could spark all of our community members in a positive way

12) Did someone recommend you to the Events team? If so, who?
Yes, Zachman XS in a message over the 360 5 days ago.

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