The more and more I listen to people in games the more amazed I am that so many people still revere Halo 2. Myself included.
But what was it that made us all crazy about the game?
The dynamics of the matchmaking? Ranked, so possibly.
The awesome voice who hyped out you every awesome action? Heck Yea! "Killtacular!!"
The fact that we were all equals in appearance? I'm Spartian 117! No I am!! No.
The creative variety of the Vehicles in a FPS? I would think so!
The option of Red and Blue opponents appealed to the visually impaired? Probably not so many of you.
The maps? There Design? Playability? The fact that they tried to re-sell them to us several times thought the years successfully. Go Coagulation!! Woo-ah!
Perhaps the quality of the servers? Laughable.
I know! It couldn't possibly be anything other than people glitching, the hackers, the "standby-ing", the modders. If you just suffered Nightmarish flashbacks, you were clearly there!
Personally, I enjoyed the clans the most, Halo 2 was heavy into clan compete and there was 2v2, 4v4 and big team matches every week. It was like being part of a professional sports team. Having practices and training meets where we would hone tactics and become better players together by working together & I personally thought the maps were wicked! Lockout, Breakneck, Coag, Ascension. Classics.
How about you?
But what was it that made us all crazy about the game?
The dynamics of the matchmaking? Ranked, so possibly.
The awesome voice who hyped out you every awesome action? Heck Yea! "Killtacular!!"
The fact that we were all equals in appearance? I'm Spartian 117! No I am!! No.
The creative variety of the Vehicles in a FPS? I would think so!
The option of Red and Blue opponents appealed to the visually impaired? Probably not so many of you.
The maps? There Design? Playability? The fact that they tried to re-sell them to us several times thought the years successfully. Go Coagulation!! Woo-ah!
Perhaps the quality of the servers? Laughable.
I know! It couldn't possibly be anything other than people glitching, the hackers, the "standby-ing", the modders. If you just suffered Nightmarish flashbacks, you were clearly there!
Personally, I enjoyed the clans the most, Halo 2 was heavy into clan compete and there was 2v2, 4v4 and big team matches every week. It was like being part of a professional sports team. Having practices and training meets where we would hone tactics and become better players together by working together & I personally thought the maps were wicked! Lockout, Breakneck, Coag, Ascension. Classics.
How about you?