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01/19/2025 @ 8 PM AND 9 PM EST

Mission quote of the day:

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today"

Returning members

We have the gwg process for a reason. The GWG process helps filter out people that are not fit for the community. Under no circumstance should a section leader or clan leader be adding someone to the user group that needs to do a gwg. Section leaders /clan leaders do not have the authority to bypass the gwg process for any reason. Anytime you have someone wishing to return to the community, research needs to be done. Here lately there have been a lot of returning members being added to user groups that need a gwg or have a gwg pending. At no point in time should someone that has a pending gwg be added to any user group.If you have someone wishing to return to the community, and they were removed for anything other than inactivity, then they need to put in a gwg to return. If you are unsure if a gwg is needed ask your peer, section leader, or division leader.


Leaders when we are doing a transfer. Let's make sure we are following proper steps. There has been too many instances where members are asking for transfers and leaders are taking it into there own hands and not properly handling the situation like it should be handled.

Remember In-Side Sections Transfers are done between Clan Leaders.

Outside Sections - Transfers are handled between Section Leaders

Outside Divisions - Transfers are handled by Section Leaders unless it's a problematic member then Division Leaders are to be involved.

We have 72 hrs to complete transfers.

Name Changes

Section Leaders: Please make sure that you are being vigilant with name changes. Remember we do not approve name changes that are vulgar in any way. They should not reference curse words or be sexual in any way. Also, make sure that you are checking all 3 divisions when doing your research for name changes. (Ex: if someone is requesting XGC Razor and there is a SYN Razor or KoG Razor that name would be denied.

Clan Leaders: Please take time and talk to your members about the proper way to do a name change. Once they reach the rank of member they earn the privilege of adding the XG tags to their gamer tags. If they want to add an XG tag to their gamer tag, they need to submit three names to their leadership and they will then submit it to the Section Leader for approval. Also, please make sure that when recruits are being read in that you are explaining this and that they are understanding this process. Lastly, please advise anyone doing a name change that they must change it on the website first and once it goes through and is completed, they can then change their gamertag.


The XTEAM has 2 Challenge request one on Rocket League that will be 3v3 Soccer the other is Bo6 please send me a message if you can help out and fill the team I have 1 maybe 2 for RL and 4 I believe for Bo6.

Dates are to be determined.

Reach out to SYN CAREBEAR XS for this please.

Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Among Us Game Night

Saturday, January 25th @ 9:00 pm EST

With your hosts SYN CHELL XD and XGC Khaleesi

Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!