1. What is the best Xbox 360 arcade game?
Gin Rummy
2. What 2 xbox multiplayer games do you dedicate the most time to?
MW2, NHL 10
3. Do you prefer big city life or small town living?
Small Town
4. Do you own a car, truck, or suv? What kind?
SUV, Mazda CX-9
5. What is the best movie of all time?
Dazed and Confused
6. Do you like people?
Mostly, Not a fan of stupid ones.
7. Which is better? Rap or country?
8. Whats you favorite saying to use?
If the glove don't fit, you must acquit?
9. Gatorade or powerade?
10. Why would you make a good friend?
I have a decent grasp of the English language?