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Skimped Blunt

Forum Nerd
Feb 20, 2012

America should do this so the fat rates go down D:

The Chosen One

Get A Life!
Aug 9, 2010
Anywhere but France.
I think it is the consumers fault and not the businesses. People need to take responsibility for what they eat and not blame products which in all fairness they know are unhealthy anyway.

It really dose annoy me when people blame others for obesity. Also those that get surgery because in my eyes they are too lazy to stick to a diet in order to lose weight.

Inked Ivy

Carpel Tunnel
Oct 7, 2009
Auckland, Aotearoa
I have to agree with what Blite said. McD's merely produces and sells a product, they don't shove it down peoples throats.

It would be really interesting to see the results of something like an r18 limit placed on fast food though. I think it would be too small of a factor to actually reduce obesity rates in children/youth however.
I doubt it will ever happen sadly.

Deleted Spam Bot

i agree with Blite it is the consumers choice to eat fast food everyday it wouldnt bee a problem if people learned to just eat there every once in a while, like i havent had fast food in about 3 to 4 months and never once have craved it

XDC Jinno

Forum Junkie
Jan 29, 2011
I agree with blite too.I can also see where UK is coming from, you can say that kids below 18 make poor decisions in their lives. As they see the growing problem in the US, it's great how their taking action for their own people

KoG Jehuty

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 6, 2010
Deland, Florida
Its all fine to say its the consumers fault, but children definately don't have any control of what they want. They think it taste good so they want it, they aren't educated enough to realize that fast food is bad for you. Their parents don't care either way usually because they just see it as another way to fill their childrens guts without having to make food themselves. This is why childhood obesity is such a big problem.

The Chosen One

Get A Life!
Aug 9, 2010
Anywhere but France.
Yes I would agree with you to an extent. At the end of the day though if you are someone that sits on your arse all day (regardless of age), snacking on sweets or other "comfort foods", are too lazy to cook something nutritious then you really do only have yourself to blame as far as I am concerned and I guess with young children a large portion of the blame would rest on their guardians.

I hate it when I hear of people blaming others for their weight. Personally I think they should just take responsibility for their lives, stop eating like a pig and get some exercise.

Sorry if I offend any one, just my honest opinion. Not really directed at anyone.

KoG Jehuty

Carpel Tunnel
Dec 6, 2010
Deland, Florida
Yes I would agree with you to an extent. At the end of the day though if you are someone that sits on your arse all day (regardless of age), snacking on sweets or other "comfort foods", are too lazy to cook something nutritious then you really do only have yourself to blame as far as I am concerned and I guess with young children a large portion of the blame would rest on their guardians.

I hate it when I hear of people blaming others for their weight. Personally I think they should just take responsibility for their lives, stop eating like a pig and get some exercise.

Sorry if I offend any one, just my honest opinion. Not really directed at anyone.

Couldn't agree more to tell you the truth. It's like in comparison to cigarettes, You smoke them because you choose to smoke them. The labels clearly state that you may develope addiction and they even tell you what chemicals they put in them. Back in the past it was an issue because they were not sure if they were bad or not (Im talking like 70 years ago or somthing) but people are aware now, if you want to smoke cigarettes then fine, but you are aware of the health risk now so if you plan to smoke and a smoke related disease decides to take your life, all you can do is blame yourself.


May 31, 2011
In the woods
Haha that will never happen in America

There would be a Revolution of obese people that would run the govt over in their chairs but you could eat normal food and sit on your butt all day and still get big if you exercise and eat micky Ds then you should be fine it's more of a treat not supposed to eat it everyday


Carpel Tunnel
Apr 29, 2009
This is funny because last week I drove 10 minutes on my lunchbreak to get cigarettes at a cheaper price but forgot my ID at work. So even me looking all professional in my work uniform on a tuesday during school hours with a good amount a facial hair, still did not get my my cigs as I was carded.I told the lady there that any kid can go eat mcdonalds all day which, in time, is worse for you than cigarettes if eaten every day, yet there is no restriction on purchasing and eating fast food. hmm what a coincidence I found this thread haha
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