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Forum Nub
Sep 7, 2009
The Syndicate (SYN) Honor Code


SYN members will display a professional gaming demeanor. Any match a SYN member participates in should observe the rules of Fair Play, Sportsmanship and Respect. As a SYN member, you not only represent yourself but SYN as a whole. If you aren't afraid of trash talk, the Underground is for you. Not for the faint of heart. Being “Underground” does not give you the right to abuse other gamers.

SYN is a community made up of gamers of any age. As a member of SYN, you have the ability to play with and recruit gamers of any age.

All SYN members must register on the website within one week of their recruitment to remain in SYN. As a registered member, you will have access to the Forums and the Gaming Ladder (www.CLANCOMPETE.com) along with many other great sites. New members must read and accept the Honor Code and Rank Structure.

All SYN members are encouraged to share any issues or ideas through the chain of command and with The Council of Leaders ANYTIME! The leaders of XILED GAMING believe in the open door policy and encourage members to use it.

New members will not be allowed to change their gamer tag until reaching the rank of Sergeant and receiving approval from a Section Leader or higher.

SYN members CANNOT be apart of any other gaming communities/clans! Any and all gamer tags must be either in SYN clans or in none at all. SYN does NOT have ANY alliances with other gaming communities! SYN will remain friendly and professional with ALL gaming communities at all times! We are an Underground gaming clan! We don't go around looking for problems, but if someone starts one, we know how to finish it! Remember, "Take no prisoners!"

Violation of the Honor Code will earn a Gamer a warning; two warnings and you will be banned from the community. Members caught using extreme language, purposely cheating and/or participating in manipulated online play will be immediately banned. No exceptions! Being an Underground gamer does not allow you hide behind that label. Anyone caught abusing the “Underground” title will be removed without warning!

All members must read and accept this Honor Code. Violation of the Honor Code will earn the Gamer a warning; two warnings and you will be banned from the community.

Honor Code violations consist of discrimination, racism, sexism, harassment, illegal drugs, cheating, poaching, squad de-ranking, or any other overly aggressive behavior toward fellow online gamers. Cheating is defined as any manipulation of online play; this includes, but not limited to modding, bridging, stand-bying, forcing host, action replay, glitching / super jumping in match making / ranked games to gain an unfair advantage, playing online custom / ranked games with Modders, and circle boosting.

BOTTOM LINE!!! Have fun, play games and network with other gamers that share the same interest. At the end of the day, it is after all just a game!
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Apr 7, 2008
hmm. people didn't get promoted past recruit if they didn't know the differences between the divisions and the like. ah to have been under Blindshot, he was a fantastic general

ETR Hawk

Forum Nub
Aug 7, 2009
I apologize for not memorizing the SYN Honor Code... >.>

And try if you can not to insult my general, indirectly or otherwise. He's earned his position.
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