SYN Snu Snu joined SYN Afterlife on November 2, 2017 after using the popular phrase "YOLO" as ll Snu Snued ll.
When she first joined she found it a bit weird to be apart of something so big, but soon she found her way to SYN Hellhounds (later changed to SYN Unleashed) where she worked hard to get to the rank of captain and after splitting into a One clan with her, now peer, SYN KodaK she flourished and quickly grew her squad to the proper size for a clan split.
SYN Snu Snu is now the general of SYN Unbreakable and is doing an amazing job as the general of her own clan. SYN KodaK said it best when he said, "from the beginning she showed leadership potential. She wanted to earn every rank she stepped up to and is very level headed. She knows, and has, what it takes to lead a clan."
I definitely couldn't agree more with SYN KodaK. SYN Snu Snu is a hard working woman that doesn't take a handout and has always worked for everything she's earned. She doesn't back down from a challenge and just because something is hard doesn't mean she's going to give up.
SYN Unbreakable is going to flourish under the leadership that is SYN Snu Snu. I have no doubt about that. The growth and power that this leader has is inspiring on it's own, but coupled with the passion and drive to always learn I'd say SYN Snu Snu is, and will be, a force to be reckoned with!
Congratulations to an amazing general that is more than worthy to be where she is. I'm so proud of you SYN Snu Snu and I cannot wait to work with you and help you accomplish all you want to accomplish. Anything you set your mind to will be yours, so keep reaching for the stars!