Text to be used in SIG - Riotz
Pictures to be used -
1) http://orig12.deviantart.net/4255/f...er_wallpaper_by_overwatchgraphics-d8ze9e3.png
2) http://charlieintel.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/Black-Ops-3_Specialist-Seraph.jpg
in these pictures i would the like the sunbreaker titan cropped out and in the black ops 3 Seraph cropped out.
Theme of the SIG - honestly just by using the characters out of the pictures selected. Put the text i want anywhere it seems to fit. and as for colors and any other schemes i leave you to the designer that takes this on, surprise me with however you want to do this.
if you want me to give any other details please hit me up. otherwise i trust the designer 100%
Requested by: MidnightRiotz
Filled by: IXCaedoXI

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