Name to be used for Image (any other text as well)
XGC TitusEpic - XGC Reapers Death Squad Captain
(you can put that info in anyway you feel fit into the sig. I give you complete creative ability with that)
Theme of the signature (Any Images you want as well)
Something like this
There is so many awesome Grim Reapers out there, I again give you creative ability if you have one or know of one better.
Color Style (Optional)
Dark themed, we are a new clan of XGC called Reapers and our squad is the Death Squad (red) - hoping to stick to that type of color flow.
Again you guys are the designers, i can not even draw a straight line so I appreciate whatever you guys can do!
Thanks in advance!
Requested by: XGC TitusEpic
Filled by: XGC DeWhit69
IMG Code: