1. I'd like SYN Masquerade along the top above the "The Walking Dead" on either the left of right corner, almost naturally seeming if possible, in a darker font to somewhat contrast with image writing, or image colors already provided(whatever the designer think would look best).
2. http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/i/2013/291/1/6/walking_dead_icon_by_slamiticon-d6qwkm9.png is the photo I would like in my signature. It's a Walking Dead image.
3. I want it to be a darker themed signature because well, zombies.
Hope you guys can work with what I provided. I'm thrilled to see how the signature turns out. Please and Thank you
Requested by: SYN Masquerade
Filled by: XGC DeWhit69
IMG Code: