1. Name and additional text to be used for Image:
XGC Drty with clan tag XGC Illusive
2. Theme or your preferred image of the signature:
using this image https://www.bing.com/images/search?...08053979675691982&selectedIndex=61&ajaxhist=0
Also if at all possible could I have the word Hallelujah in an animated fade in out effect.
3. Color Style (Optional)
Purple and Silver tint
XGC Drty with clan tag XGC Illusive
2. Theme or your preferred image of the signature:
using this image https://www.bing.com/images/search?...08053979675691982&selectedIndex=61&ajaxhist=0
Also if at all possible could I have the word Hallelujah in an animated fade in out effect.
3. Color Style (Optional)
Purple and Silver tint