Hey guys;
Name to be used for Image (any other text as well)
(ex. XGC Whoever) / (ex. I want it to also say, XGC Xiled Kingz, Blue Squad Captain)
XGC Pr00nJuic3
Bravo Company General
Theme of the signature (Any Images you want as well)
(ex. Halo, COD, Anime, Music) / (ex. I want to use this image: http://www.imagehostingsite.com/myimage.jpg)
I'd like a battelfield theme if I can of like a general taking his men/woman into battle.
Color Style (Optional)
(ex. I want a dark themed sig, I want my sig to have an orange tint)
This is up to you who takes this on.
Name to be used for Image (any other text as well)
(ex. XGC Whoever) / (ex. I want it to also say, XGC Xiled Kingz, Blue Squad Captain)
XGC Pr00nJuic3
Bravo Company General
Theme of the signature (Any Images you want as well)
(ex. Halo, COD, Anime, Music) / (ex. I want to use this image: http://www.imagehostingsite.com/myimage.jpg)
I'd like a battelfield theme if I can of like a general taking his men/woman into battle.
Color Style (Optional)
(ex. I want a dark themed sig, I want my sig to have an orange tint)
This is up to you who takes this on.