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Dex Victor101

Forum Noob
Mar 12, 2018
A perpetual prison of my own design~
So many of you may know me, or may not...
I know awhile ago...A ton of higher ups did

But heres my story with my 6 year campaign of xgc
Years ago I was Invited by a cohesively sound friend DanTheMadMan... A private but nonetheless cool dude
He ended up quiting xgc before I even got to game with him and the community together

With moving constantly and the Rise and fall of several squads in the community... (katastrophic, assasins etc) I was essentially marooned in an unfamiliar group of people...Led by essentially nothing but the forgotten memories of my leaders... I mustve been inactive for more than half of my stay on Xgc... yet i was never listed as so because they never paid attention to anything about me...like ever lol

when id text, when id invite...when id ask questions regarding the clan etc... Most of the time i was either ignored or outright put down by higher ups

after 6 years and only gaming in events and invites...from anyone in the server... 5 times

...Think about that... In a gaming server... Actively searching for people to game with... And only getting around 5 events/ times to game within 6 whole years?...more than half a decade

After trying to frantically discuss the issues regarding the higher ups corruption... Core members of the community lying... badmouthing and straight up manipulation... I had given up trying to communicate with Xgc members.... Its become toxic to the point of poison... No one can actively enjoy each other's companies unless your one of the few from 10+ years ago ... everyones antisocial and opinionated about the wrong things...and everyone sadly is a troll

I tried for years to be a ray of sunshine only to be meant with hatred and contempt...

Its sad to say higher ups did nothing with reports...no one cared because the toxic children in grown men bodies blockaded the entirety of generals and OS's... i tried reaching out...I have screenshots and recordings ive sent to those in power just to be ignored... because having a stable and functional... respectful gaming community is less important than gaming with toxic people who court off any functional... meaningful events/statements...

I will not namedrop but just see how much backlash this post gets... People..good people have left in troves... Blocking pretty much anyone from xgc
Ill namedrop a few of those who left...i do not remember everyone as its been so long... but i hope it helps you understand...Just so you know the impact of how bad it's truly gotten

Ghost, Tevo, Fishsticks, Navy,Raven, Rain, Danthemadman, Titanium, Hexy, Haven, Chronos, Zekel, Travis, Dennis, Darrell, Darent, Cambria, Devin, And many ..many more

My suggestions have been ignored...my attempts to reach people have been ignored... scrutinized and laughed at...and its been nothing but contempt and heinous actions and statements from xgc members...

I truly wished I didnt waste my time trying to game with xgc members...i had aspirations to eventually climb the ladder from Sargent and fix stuff from the inside... But my patience...as well as my will to continue to fight the onslaught of incompetence is what genuinely drove me away

I wish everyone the best....Be wary of xgc in its entirety... and remember to love one another.


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XGC Ragnarok
Mar 5, 2008
As this is in the general discussion page, XGC is what you make of it man. Sounds like you surround yourself with unnecessary drama. 16 years and I've seen it all. People come and go, rise and fall. Its this persons fault yada yada. as for the anti social and people not actively enjoying eachothers company well. surround yourself with people you want to be around. Chain of command. you dont like an answer go higher, don't like their answer go higher. utilize the tools you have.But check Yourself before you complain.. I'm sure you will be back in time. Good Luck
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Dex Victor101

Forum Noob
Mar 12, 2018
A perpetual prison of my own design~
As this is in the general discussion page, XGC is what you make of it man. Sounds like you surround yourself with unnecessary drama. 16 years and I've seen it all. People come and go, rise and fall. Its this persons fault yada yada. as for the anti social and people not actively enjoying eachothers company well. surround yourself with people you want to be around. Chain of command. you dont like an answer go higher, don't like their answer go higher. utilize the tools you have.But check Yourself before you complain.. I'm sure you will be back in time. Good Luck
This is what i mean when i say no one cares about what happens
I did go higher and higher up..No one takes accountability for their actions...no discipline is done to those who abuse their power and everything is always "Someone elses fault"

You've proved my point with your ignorant statement...Pushing it over to be a "me" issue... there are generals that leave because of the harassment...both sexual and normal...
its a bunch of grown children doing nothing to Benefit any function or rationale

I do not surround myself with drama, That Is a blatant lie, Nor do I complain or start stuff

literally went up to xs's just to be ignored/ nothing be done or talked about

You can see as clear as day the toxicity practiced by xgc members from this dudes lazy attempt of "pushing the blame of every issue this community has had from players who've been here since the beginning" into a throwaway "complaint" statement... Grow up dude

take accountability for your actions...Look into the issues revolving the community and why so many good people keep leaving... Instead of coping and saying "Its a them issue"

Real genuine issues appear from the community...from promoting Illegal actions ..to stuff i cannot talk about on the forums for obvious reasons...
this is a post as a memoir on ..as the title entails..the sad state of xgc
nothing more... nothing less

dont be toxic bruh


XGC Ragnarok
Mar 5, 2008
This is what i mean when i say no one cares about what happens
I did go higher and higher up..No one takes accountability for their actions...no discipline is done to those who abuse their power and everything is always "Someone elses fault"

You've proved my point with your ignorant statement...Pushing it over to be a "me" issue... there are generals that leave because of the harassment...both sexual and normal...
its a bunch of grown children doing nothing to Benefit any function or rationale

I do not surround myself with drama, That Is a blatant lie, Nor do I complain or start stuff

literally went up to xs's just to be ignored/ nothing be done or talked about

You can see as clear as day the toxicity practiced by xgc members from this dudes lazy attempt of "pushing the blame of every issue this community has had from players who've been here since the beginning" into a throwaway "complaint" statement... Grow up dude

take accountability for your actions...Look into the issues revolving the community and why so many good people keep leaving... Instead of coping and saying "Its a them issue"

Real genuine issues appear from the community...from promoting Illegal actions ..to stuff i cannot talk about on the forums for obvious reasons...
this is a post as a memoir on ..as the title entails..the sad state of xgc
nothing more... nothing


XGC Ragnarok
Mar 5, 2008
I bet you 100 dollars that if you ping an XD XC or XI on this issue it will be resolved if what you claim about illegal activity is true, however make sure you have proper evidence before you start accusing people because this issue is public now. " I do not surround myself with drama, That Is a blatant lie, Nor do I complain or start stuff" is your statement and is exactly what you are doing on a public forum. You are a sgt , play games with other people and don't concern yourself with the business of leadership unless you understand what is involved or have some ability or drive to change it man. There are countless other clans to move to or divisions even with like minded people to play with. all i hear is toxicity from you but if that's what you surround yourself with then that what you get. I have spoken

Dex Victor101

Forum Noob
Mar 12, 2018
A perpetual prison of my own design~
I bet you 100 dollars that if you ping an XD XC or XI on this issue it will be resolved if what you claim about illegal activity is true, however make sure you have proper evidence before you start accusing people because this issue is public now. " I do not surround myself with drama, That Is a blatant lie, Nor do I complain or start stuff" is your statement and is exactly what you are doing on a public forum. You are a sgt , play games with other people and don't concern yourself with the business of leadership unless you understand what is involved or have some ability or drive to change it man. There are countless other clans to move to or divisions even with like minded people to play with. all i hear is toxicity from you but if that's what you surround yourself with then that what you get. I have spoken
Still trying to push it towards being a me issue... Blatantly ignoring the fact that i said i forwarded it to an XS/XD...
Blatantly pulling a "Your doing exactly what your talking about" after being toxic yourself by trying to make this an argument....

complete disregard and lack of Respect towards anything I've stated...like how this is just me saying this is "my Epilogue" and how its just "a memoire...nothing more"

You have a real issue with reading comprehension... This isnt about you..its about the state of Xgc... Ive already been reached out to by Ex XGC members about this from This post...

This isnt a Me issue...this isnt an issue i can bring up with higher ups...lord knowns hundreds of people have tried over the years

I do believe you owe me 100$ since I already brought it up to an XD but its whatever right? lol

Regardless as i said ...as the title entails...and as I stated in my first text

This is the mental state of those who are apart of xgc...Its always "someone elses fault" ...its always "the lower tiers complaining" or the "privates- generals not reporting to higher ups"

...you do realize we are people right?...the fact that no one is publicly allowed to talk about the corruption without being talked down to is insane... Yes Talked down to...

you think in 6 years i didnt beg and plead for things to be changed?!...must be out of your mind if you think that this "talk to higher ups" strategy wasnt tried through and through...

"By the nine divines...Oh my word...Great scott!!... eureka!!! Why didnt i think of such an answer to my conundrum!!.. thank you oh wise random stranger!!" lol...

Its not about communication anymore... it's known that xgc is dying because higher ups have stonewalled any way of getting things done...Of any repercussions done to those who break the rules... Of those who violate...talk about heinous actions... harass others etc

Its a finger pointing game done by grown children where the only people who do wrong are said higher ups 9 times outa 10...that and the fact that they are the only ones pointing fingers

But regardless i digress... your attempts to devalue the initial statement and meaning behind this post is flawed and is uncommendable...

XGC has been in a sad state since ive joined...and its only gotten far...far worse
I truly hope you arent completely defending xgc out of blind joy...or blind loyalty... i was there once upon a time

The point stands on a foundation made of concrete...gravel n sand... Made by masons of olde

This is an issue thats standed the testament of time and is ignored because itd be so much more of a hassle to get newer higher ups than it would be to just wait for people who truly want to be apart of eachothers lives and have fun ...to leave disheartened after 5-15 years...

By saying "Oh i bet you a 100 dollars yada yada if you bring it up to bla bla bla" ...you devalue every single struggle the hundreds of other people who've left by the abuse of said higher ups struggles....

Please think before you post and truly...truly have an amazing day <3