Hey, whats up Aces? Quick question. I have noticed that members around the community are making a Captain's position with only 2-5 posts on the website. Is this allowed? I have always made sure that the people that I promote into leadership positions are actively on the website. I just feel that the website is out main source of communication and I feel personally that how can a Captain be in a leadership role when they are not on the website promoting this tool for all to use? Guess I'm just wondering what your feelings are on this. I mean keeping your squad lists reposted and keeping your squad/clan informed just to me seems like there should be more than 3 posts to hold that position. Just wondering. Thanks.
I know I am just a lowly. . . well . . whatever I am. (not a General, yet not a Captain either. . It's confusing, okay?)
But I agree with you, Dixie. The website should be advocated for more and especially more so by those who hold a position of Leadership. A LT or CPT who is active on the threads will encourage their lower ranking members to also participate. As we have had it drilled into our heads, the website is the number one form of communication that we have as members of XG, and
Communication is the KEY to success. If someone is wanting to move up and become an officer in the community, they need to have a really good grasp on the website, it's features, and how to find things with relative ease. It takes time to learn, and how can anyone lead their members to the website if they themselves don't use it? That's hypocrisy and won't foster good habits in any squad.
I'm curious to see what other leaders think about this!! Definitely an interesting and great topic!
~ XGC Dragonfly