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Forum Junkie
Oct 7, 2009
eugene oregon
I have been looking for some good seeds lately and found that not a lot of people have been posting good ones online in a while. I see a lot of people on here trying to get some minecraft groups together (add me!!) and i thought it would be a good idea to get some ideas for good seeds out in the open!

Format to submit:


Seed: Name
Villages: #
Mushroom Biomes: #
Nether Fortress: Y/N
Nether Wart: Y/N

Additional Notes:


if anyone has any any other things that they feel should be known for this format, let me know and i'll add them.


Forum Junkie
Oct 7, 2009
eugene oregon
Seed: Randy Butternubs
Villages: 5
Mushroom Biomes: 0
Nether Fortress: Y
Nether Wart: Y

Additional Notes:
haven't explored much of the noticeable caves yet, but all the villages seem to be normals-ish lol. 2 villages can be found REALLY close to the spawn. you spawn on the bottom border. one is to the left, the other to the right. the nether fortress is pretty big. it also has a blaze spawner or whatever those guys are called. it has a snow forest, a fairly big desert, some big plains, this really is a good seed imho. if i can figure it out, i'll edit this post with some screen shots later