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Rigger Wolf

Forum Member
Dec 30, 2010
Hey there. I'm new to the site and was trying to find a clan to join. I mostly play Call of Duty Black Ops and Halo Reach and sometimes in Modern Warfare. Oh and I was referred by La Poison Ivy.

Inked Ivy

Carpel Tunnel
Oct 7, 2009
Auckland, Aotearoa
Hey there Wolf, nice to see you on the site. Which division are you interested in joining?

Well, To Start You Off Welcome To The Xiled Gaming Communty.
Our Community Consists Of 4 Divisions, Which Are:

Kings of Gaming (KoG)- KoG is a gaming division which is based on a more rule based gaming experience. If you are looking for a gaming experience with strong organization this division would be the right place for you

Xiled Gaming Clan (XGC)- XGC is a gaming division which is for gamers who are a minimum age of 18. This is for the more mature gaming experience. XGC is very similar to KoG. If you are looking to game with some other older members this would be the place for you.

Syndicate (SYN)- SYN is a gaming division made for those underground gamers. This division will hold the more competitive gamers within the community. If you are looking to have a competitive Gaming experience with some trash talking this is the place for you.

Xiled Gaming Girls (XGG)- This is a division strictly made for female gamers only. This is also very similar to KoG. If you are a female gamer looking to find other female members. This is the place for you.

From here we can help put you in a clan that will suit you the best.
I believe my primary tag has a full friends list, but feel free to add my secondary 'Im Harley Quinn' on xbox live.

Thanks for joining us here!


Nov 29, 2010
Fort Bragg, NC
Don't take that general description at anything more than face value, though. I'm in XGC and we're very competitive. At least where I'm at. I have a friend in a SyN clan and he says they're not even active at all (except for the sunday meetings)... they never play together on black ops.

I can't profess that I know a whole lot about XG as a whole, but if you like playing Black Ops, XGC Atrocity XK is very active and we play every day. Pretty much whatever gametype the majority of the lobby feels like playing, though more than 50% of the time it's hardcore game modes, which are actually really fun if you give them a chance. MW2 really botched "hardcore" and gave it a bad name, IMO. But if you think back to WaW and CoD4, hardcore was the place to be. On B.O. it's kind of in between. Anyway, send me a PM if you're interested (and are also 18 or older) and I'll try to get you an audience with Bozey--the general of Atrocity--or one of the captains (who can also recruit you).

SYN HighLite

Jul 23, 2008
Modesto, CA
Don't take that general description at anything more than face value, though. I'm in XGC and we're very competitive. At least where I'm at. I have a friend in a SyN clan and he says they're not even active at all (except for the sunday meetings)... they never play together on black ops.

I can't profess that I know a whole lot about XG as a whole, but if you like playing Black Ops, XGC Atrocity XK is very active and we play every day. Pretty much whatever gametype the majority of the lobby feels like playing, though more than 50% of the time it's hardcore game modes, which are actually really fun if you give them a chance. MW2 really botched "hardcore" and gave it a bad name, IMO. But if you think back to WaW and CoD4, hardcore was the place to be. On B.O. it's kind of in between. Anyway, send me a PM if you're interested (and are also 18 or older) and I'll try to get you an audience with Bozey--the general of Atrocity--or one of the captains (who can also recruit you).

Unfortunate for your friend then, however, we are just as competitive with our clans. Do not comment on other divisions if you know nothing about them. Thanks.
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Nov 29, 2010
Fort Bragg, NC
Unfortunate for your friend then, however, we are just as competitive with our clans. Do not comment on other divisions if you know nothing about them. Thanks.

I didn't "comment on another division I knew nothing about."
" I have a friend in a SyN clan and he says they're not even active at all "
the prounoun "they're" is referring to "a SyN clan" not "the whole division"...

just for the record... by saying
"Don't take that general description at anything more than face value"
I was referring to poison ivy's brief rundown of all the different divisions. Just to clarify before anyone else wants to be a keyboard commando and send me hate mail over it.
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SYN HighLite

Jul 23, 2008
Modesto, CA
I didn't "comment on another division I knew nothing about."
" I have a friend in a SyN clan and he says they're not even active at all "
the prounoun "they're" is referring to "a SyN clan" not "the whole division"...

just for the record... by saying
"Don't take that general description at anything more than face value"
I was referring to poison ivy's brief rundown of all the different divisions. Just to clarify before anyone else wants to be a keyboard commando and send me hate mail over it.

That right there was not needed sir.

Inked Ivy

Carpel Tunnel
Oct 7, 2009
Auckland, Aotearoa
The brief description was taken from another member HERE as I was too busy to get my one (located on a script on the website I assume he came from - and where I have gotten 4 solid recruits from in the last week alone. If one wants a copy of this to see what I have written, please PM me ).

Now we are all in XG and each clan should recognize that. No division, section or clan should act like they are number 1. There are differences in how each clan is run, how they act, how they play etc. Trying to make judgments about a clan that somebody is not a member of shouldn't happen even though it does quite often.

The description that was posted doesn't even really mention the competitive nature of them so I don't even know why that was thrown into the equation.
And if a clan is said to be inactive for whatever reason, I don't think we should criticize how that clan is run nor let that impression be the one given to a whole division. If a clan looks like it needs help, then be the one to give it a hand, not the one to pick on it in situations such as this.

Now I hope the OP finds the clan he wants. Don't let this little forum scrap get in the way of making your decision.
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Apr 30, 2007
Phoenix, AZ
iHighL1gh7 xXx & Galactus2011 Enough with the petty arguments.

Rigger Wolf, Welcome to Xiled Gaming. If you ever need anything feel free to ask.


Nov 29, 2010
Fort Bragg, NC
I think you guys had me all wrong. I wasn't trying to boost XGC over SyN at all. If it came off that way, then I'm sorry. I was simply arguing the implication of ivy's original post--that the competitive gamers go to SyN somewhat exclusively. I didn't/don't agree with that because... well, truth be told, of all the black ops ladders on ClanCompete.com, SyN's entire division has only one team registered on there. The rest are comprised of mainly XGC with a couple unidentified teams and a couple KoG teams.

@highlight, after what you sent me in a private message, I felt my 'not needed' comment was necessary. I don't like when people twist my words. I was in no way shape or form calling you out in my first message, but you sent me a threating PM telling me you're going to "get brutal with me if I call you out like that again." There's no need to throw out ultimatums. Forums are made for people to express their opinions, and for you to threaten me in a PM like that is uncalled for. Especially when I didn't even provoke you.

SYN HighLite

Jul 23, 2008
Modesto, CA
I think you guys had me all wrong. I wasn't trying to boost XGC over SyN at all. If it came off that way, then I'm sorry. I was simply arguing the implication of ivy's original post--that the competitive gamers go to SyN somewhat exclusively. I didn't/don't agree with that because... well, truth be told, of all the black ops ladders on ClanCompete.com, SyN's entire division has only one team registered on there. The rest are comprised of mainly XGC with a couple unidentified teams and a couple KoG teams.

@highlight, after what you sent me in a private message, I felt my 'not needed' comment was necessary. I don't like when people twist my words. I was in no way shape or form calling you out in my first message, but you sent me a threating PM telling me you're going to "get brutal with me if I call you out like that again." There's no need to throw out ultimatums. Forums are made for people to express their opinions, and for you to threaten me in a PM like that is uncalled for. Especially when I didn't even provoke you.

drop it.

The Chosen One

Get A Life!
Aug 9, 2010
Anywhere but France.
All seems very pathetic between you two. I mean your both in XG and your getting in an argument on a public part of the forums and in a thread where someone is looking to join a part of XG. Good job giving a good impression of XG.

In all fairness iHighL1gh7 xXx you really should know better. Your suppose to be a gen yet your sending out threating PMs to people you dont agree with. Good show.

Now im going to do what i was origionally coming in here to do.

Welcome to XG, hope you enjoy it Rigger Wolf :)


Nov 29, 2010
Fort Bragg, NC
Sorry about that Rigger... Welcome to XG. In my defense, though, out of 45,000 people, you're not going to get along with everyone... Rigger, are you actually a rigger (92)??? cuz i have a couple friends that are riggers here on bragg... I might know ya. RSVP

Rigger Wolf

Forum Member
Dec 30, 2010
Thank you for the warm welcomes everybody. =]

Sorry about that Rigger... Welcome to XG. In my defense, though, out of 45,000 people, you're not going to get along with everyone... Rigger, are you actually a rigger (92)??? cuz i have a couple friends that are riggers here on bragg... I might know ya. RSVP

Don't worry about it. I have seen worse happen before. ;p So I'm not the only Rigger out there huh? lol My name is famous.


Nov 29, 2010
Fort Bragg, NC
No, no, no. I was asking if you're an Army Parachute Rigger (92 series) because I'm stationed on the same side of post they are and I was saying I might know you because I have a couple of friends who are riggers. I'm taking it you're not?