Ok you guys this is a list of most of the KoG generals. I couldn't find some of them due to no squad list or bungie, not having the sufficent info. So i did as best as i could. If you get promoted to general post it here and ill will update it. If you are not on the list just post your name and clan and i will gladly change it. I think a moderator should sticky this on all the KoG clans for easy access.
Clan / Generals
Kings of Gaming-KoG xXSQUWLEXx
KoG Anarchy-KoG Deliverence
KoG Bruteforce-KoG MaTriX
KoG Chaos-KoG WillPower
KoG Collision-KoG Ion
KoG Corruption-KoG Swamp Fox
KoG Destruction-KoG GeT xMONEYx
KoG Domination-KoG Jabroni
KoG Epiphany-KoG Ace Shot
KoG Excal1bur-KoG Sigma
KoG Genesis-KoG E TOP
KoG Immortal-KoG UnFoRGiVeN
KoG Impact-H3LLZ 0WN4G3
KoG Judgement-KoG PRinceSS
KoG Knights-KOG xF3ARxTH1Sx
KoG P3rfection-KoG omen
KoG Pandora- N/A
KoG Panic-KoG JDoGG
KoG Parody-KoG Killerbee
KoG Peril-KoG Almighty
KoG Prophecy-JET57
KoG R3volution- N/A
KoG Reloaded-SYN YoungGun
KoG Resistance-KoG AtrocityVII
KoG Resurrected-KaM1KaZeX
KoG Revenge-PREIMO
KoG Subliminal-KoG Cheddar XM
KoG Survival- Fatal Yagami
KoG Tactical-KoG Hazmaz
KoG Turmoil-KoG 2Good4U
KoG Ultimatum-speedy vrg
KoG Unforgiven-KoG ChaosReaper
KoG Xiled Kings-Cob haz skillz
Clan / Generals
Kings of Gaming-KoG xXSQUWLEXx
KoG Anarchy-KoG Deliverence
KoG Bruteforce-KoG MaTriX
KoG Chaos-KoG WillPower
KoG Collision-KoG Ion
KoG Corruption-KoG Swamp Fox
KoG Destruction-KoG GeT xMONEYx
KoG Domination-KoG Jabroni
KoG Epiphany-KoG Ace Shot
KoG Excal1bur-KoG Sigma
KoG Genesis-KoG E TOP
KoG Immortal-KoG UnFoRGiVeN
KoG Impact-H3LLZ 0WN4G3
KoG Judgement-KoG PRinceSS
KoG Knights-KOG xF3ARxTH1Sx
KoG P3rfection-KoG omen
KoG Pandora- N/A
KoG Panic-KoG JDoGG
KoG Parody-KoG Killerbee
KoG Peril-KoG Almighty
KoG Prophecy-JET57
KoG R3volution- N/A
KoG Reloaded-SYN YoungGun
KoG Resistance-KoG AtrocityVII
KoG Resurrected-KaM1KaZeX
KoG Revenge-PREIMO
KoG Subliminal-KoG Cheddar XM
KoG Survival- Fatal Yagami
KoG Tactical-KoG Hazmaz
KoG Turmoil-KoG 2Good4U
KoG Ultimatum-speedy vrg
KoG Unforgiven-KoG ChaosReaper
KoG Xiled Kings-Cob haz skillz
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