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ISO old clan members from KoG/XGC

XGC Melmissa

Forum Nerd
Oct 4, 2012
So, I am looking at getting back into gaming but I got pocked out of my old account (seriously with Microsoft and wanting me to remember the last 4 digits of a debit card from 9 years ago and other ridiculous information). Anyways I was KOG Melmissa/XGC Melmissa. I quit playing all together when I got pregnant with my first baby 9 years ago. Looking for old friends or others to game with (Xbox X). Probably need to do the grass wasnt greener as well. I'll go there next.

Previous groups:
kog sabotage: recruit - sergeant
kog demolition: sergeant - captain
xgc adrenaline: sergeant
xgc ascension: sergeant - captain
kog skyfall: sergeant-captain
kog recovery: general