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Slippy McSlime

Forum Tourist
Jan 6, 2011
Youngstown, Ohio
My first post in the forums Should naturally be to introduce myself and let everyone know what is up on my side. I originally started playing games on line back in 98 with the introduction of a game called "Star Fleet Academy" and soon joined the clan "Star fleet" of course. Then with that clans problems I finally left to join "red squadrons". That was many years ago and sinse retired from there. You will find my gamer tag about halfway down this page in it's history. http://www.stogeek.com/wiki/Red_Squadrons

With the advent of the x-box 360 Gaming has never been better. I have finally been asked into a clan which I have seen members play on line and appriciated there good and honorable play.

See you all in the game.

X-box tag. MCSLIME