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XGC Relentless

Forum Rookie
Apr 24, 2012
Ok guys I left XGC a while back due to different reasons. About a month after I left I received an email stating that I have been banned from the forums for a month for abuse on the forums. The only time I ever got back on the website is when a buddy of mine wanted me to watch a video he posted. I am currently trying to get back into XGC because I truly miss the atmosphere of the XGC family.
I am not sure what was posted but I did receive messages from a few of y'all saying that we are not garbage.......I have no idea what was posted a few people in my clan (that left) had my login....I would never bad mouth XGC and I wanted to apologize for whatever was said, I have searched and searched the forums for the thread that was created and cannot find anything that was said under my login. Again I apologize for any hostility that was created.
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