Attention SYNdicate:
Please join me in congratulating The OldFamiliar on his recent promotion to General over SYN Olympus! As soon as Familiar came into the community he immediately got to work. He has stepped up consistently and has many great ideas. He will be an awesome General and I look forward to working with him and watching him grow as a leader! Congrats again Familiar!
Lets not forget on congratulating SYN Jordan on his clan split from SYN Olympus into SYN Nocturnal! Keep up the great work guys! I am proud of you guys and I look forward to watching you continue to grow!
Congrats to The Old Familiar and SYN Jordan on all of their hard work.
Lets not forget on congratulating SYN Jordan on his clan split from SYN Olympus into SYN Nocturnal! Keep up the great work guys! I am proud of you guys and I look forward to watching you continue to grow!
Congrats to The Old Familiar and SYN Jordan on all of their hard work.