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XGC Crux

Forum Star
Feb 15, 2012
Clemson, SC
This was originally posted in the general forums but I thought is I could convince some higher ups to back the idea I could get some more involvement from generals if their section leaders would ask them to contribute. Thanks!

I have a request from every general in XGC. Now correct me if I'm wrong but I believe there is no "master list" that specifies which clans play what game and game types. I would like to easily be able to find out so i can start getting to know more about other members in the community. I would like to propose that each general send me information about their clan including but not limited to:

Games Played (ex. Xiled Kings play mostly MW3 and one squad plays mostly B3)
Game Types(play mostly core domination but some ground war and recently SnD)

If I could get a backing behind this. I don't mind creating a list organized by game. This was members can easily find other gamers to expand their friends list and create some more cohesion. I understand we have way too many players for everyone to know everyone but this way we could begin to meet members with similar interests. Let me know how this idea sounds. I'll also post in the section leaders forum as well.

Also, I don't know if I'm out of place here or not since I'm only an LT but I think many people would get some good use out of this list. Or at least get a better understanding of who XGC is made up of. Thanks for at least reading. Feel free to PM or VM also.


Forum Nub
Jan 21, 2007
Miami, Florida
I already tried this out 2 months after I became a Captain. After approval from my general, I talked directly to some XS about it proposing exactly this and was told it probably wouldn't happen because it would have to constantly be updated and are too busy for that (even though I agreed doing it myself).

Also, it's difficult to gets every clan to cooperate. I went ahead and sent a PM to a total of 112 Generals from XGC, KoG and SYN, by handpicking them from the General's lists (since I couldn't massive PM) directly asking them for this information about their clan. After a month and a day, only about 40 of them responded. Very disappointing.

XGC Crux

Forum Star
Feb 15, 2012
Clemson, SC
Yeah, i figured as much. Its pretty disappointing already. the forums are already pretty quiet I was hoping something like this would get people on more often...

XGC 1 Actual

Dec 11, 2010
Northern Kentucky
Beezy, you may want to speak with the events team "XDC Bigpapa" about helping you get an event together for your clan, maybe to help motivate them. You guys could include other XGC clans.
As far as XGG, SYN, and KoG, it's always worth reaching out to other leaders to help the community. Don't let this get you down. You have/ had a very good idea that with patients and time you can develop it.
Some clans are not as active as others. Some Generals as the same. It's not a crime, but how the clan operates. You may be better off talking to Section Leaders about what games their clans plan. Most Section Leaders post their section info in their XS Leaders forum.
Besides keeping a track of what clans play what games/ game types. You may want to incorporate a few more topics to track. This may help out as well. I can't think of many off the top of my head, sorry, but maybe what days, practice/ squad days? etc. Which would allow squads, a smaller unit of members, to meet up and game with other squad for scrimmage/ training. Especially for our Gears of Wars, BF3, and Black Ops squads.
Good luck!

XGC Drum

May 17, 2011
With all goals its good to take steps to achieve them

having said that i do think that making another list of what everyone plays would take a lot of our leaders time up since their is many clans that play many different games it would just add to all they things they already do for us

however a suggest is to start at the clan level suggest to Section Leaders and higher ups that adding what the clan plays (game / game modes ) like something at the bottom of the clan list you could more easily tell what a clan plays.

This would no only help out section leaders and higher when i comes to transfers its also not that much more work for the general of a clan to add one line to the bottom of a clan list. It also would be a start of your overall goal of maybe someday having a giant clan list.

Example My clan is a MW3 clan that plays HC DOM and HC KC

You have good ideas beezy keep up the good work

XGC BroodDevil

Forum Junkie
Oct 12, 2010
if you would like i will be willing to help you with this to as i am part of the events team if you need some hep finding out what games the clans play i had posted a couple months back in every clans forums on what games they would like to see for events that maybe a good place to start with this.

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