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  1. XGC Terminator


    I am the General of the European clan XGC REBEL and i would like to sign a team up 4 the XGL but all of the matches played in it r too late 4 my team 2 B staying up so is there any chance that some matches r played around 3pm Central so that me nd my clan can participate?
  2. XGC Terminator

    MY TAG

    I am changing my gamer tag to XGC TORNAD0 so i will not appear online as XGC Terminator!
  3. XGC Terminator


    I don't mean to be annoying but my clan still hasn't got a forum. I have had it up and running for three weeks now and i have 25 members but they have no where on ere to talk to each other so we need are forun ASAP Plz!
  4. XGC Terminator


    i'm da general of XGC GLOBAL ur thinking i never heard of that but thats cause ALLSTAR hasn't done much about it but it's a clan for gamers in the euoropean time zone so if you have any gamers in your clan that are online around that time plz get them to frnd request me XGC Terminator and get...