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  1. XGC Redline


    This Is A Poll Just To See What Country Everyone Lives In
  2. XGC Redline


    Does anybody know what the vCash is for or why its here or what it does this has been puzzling me more quite some time:confused:
  3. XGC Redline


    Hey Everyone I was wondering some people in my clan like to play racing games alot but we dont have any racing oriented forums. Considering theres alot of racing games that are out right now. I can't wait for Forza Motorsports 2 Coming out soon. So if there is any chance with some more people...
  4. XGC Redline


    Can anybody make me a signature it would be greatly apprecitated if you could Thanks
  5. XGC Redline


    Hey KoG Lately when I play matchmaking I have alot of young gamers who like how I communicate with them when I play with them. Then after the match they ask if I can join your clan. Well obviously there too young and I have to say no but then I say I can get you into KoG and rattle off what KoG...
  6. XGC Redline


    Hey Everyone I am XGC Redline and I am a captain in XGC Animosity. I will be getting my General Spot sooner or later and I just wanted to bring up a couple points on Inactivity in a clan. First of all I know we can't boot people for not being active and I am asking why. When you signed up to be...