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  1. SYN GrADemon

    Transfer request

    ID: SYN GrADemon Current Clan: SYN Greed 7 Out Going Clan: any Division: SYN Why are they transferring?: Need a new scene of change Out Going Clan Section Leader: any
  2. SYN GrADemon

    APPROVED: COLD WAR Game Night 12/09/20

    Event Name: Call of Duty cold war Game To Be Held On: COD Cold War Date & Time: 12/9/2020 at 8pm EST Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN GrADemon & SYN JAChelle XS Mass Message: The Events Team Presents a game night on Call of duty Cold War on 12/09/20 at 8pm EST! Hosted by SYN GrADemon and SYN JAChelle...
  3. SYN GrADemon

    APPROVED: Call of duty Mw Game night 11.6 8pm EST

    Event Name: Modern Warfare game night Game To Be Held On: Modern Warfare Date & Time: Nov. 6th 2020 @8pm est time Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN GrADemon & SYN JAChelle XS Mass Message: (The Events Team Presents...[Must Include both Hosts Names, Game, Date and Time]) Event Layout: The modes will be...
  4. SYN GrADemon


    Events Team Application: 1) What is your username and gamertag? SYN GrADemon 2) What days and times are you available to host events? Do these times change often? weekdays or weekends 6pm Est time or 8pm Est time 3) What are your current ideas of events you'd like to hold, and what games...
  5. SYN GrADemon

    Gamer Tag request form

    CLAN NAME: SYN Greed 7 RANK: Captain CURRENT LIVE GAMERTAG: NightDemon#9189 DESIRED GAMERTAGS, in order (max per request approval is 3) 1)SYN Demonic 2)SYN Demonicvenom 3)SYN GrayDemon
  6. SYN GrADemon

    Captains Class

    Clan Name: SYN GREED 7 Captains Gamer Tag: NightDemon#9189 Generals Gamer Tag: SYN Lextech