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  1. SFP Candy

    APPROVED: Modern Warfare Game Night 11.8 9pm EST

    Event Name: Flashback Friday Game To Be Held On: Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Date & Time: Friday, November 8th at 9 PM EST Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN CandySlayer and SYN x Brave Mass Message: The Events Team Presents Modern Warfare flashback Friday game night on Friday, November 8th at 9 PM EST...
  2. SFP Candy

    APPROVED: COD:WW2. August 10th. 9 PM EST

    Event Name: Meles VS. Every Man for Himself! Game To Be Held On: Call of Duty: WW2 Date & Time: August 10th at 9:00 PM EST Hosts (Must Have 2): SYN Candyslayer, XGC Keaton Mass Message: (The Events Team Presents SYN CandySlayer & XGC Keaton on COD:WW2 on August 10th at 9:00 PM EST. Come join and...
  3. SFP Candy

    APPROVED: Events Team Application

    1) What is your username and gamertag? SYN CandySlayer 2) What days and times are you available to host events? Do these times change often? I'm usually available on Weekends after 6 PM est. 3) What are your current ideas of events you'd like to hold and what games can you host events on? As...
  4. SFP Candy


    1. Name and additional text to be used for Image: SYN CandSlayer Theme or your preferred image of the signature: Cow related, possible cow print. (I really like cows) 3. Color Style: If possible I would like to have black and white or black white and brown.
  5. SFP Candy


    1. Type of Banner: Clan banner 2. Name and Additional Text: SYN Eclipse 3. Theme of Banner: Animation, but no text Animation please. Space theme. If possible the stages of an Eclipse. 4. Color Scheme: Orange, red, Black.
  6. SFP Candy


    I would like to have a ying and yang symbol but have half of it being fire and the other half as new green plant growth. I also want the text to say SYN CandySlayer and my clan's name, SYN Embers. - The reasoning I want the ying and yang designed this way is because no matter how destroyed...
  7. SFP Candy


    1. Type of Banner: Clan Banner 2. Name and Additional Text: SYN Embers 3. Theme of Banner: I was thinking of an animated banner of a fire with embers flying away 4. Color Scheme: Preferably red and orange
  8. SFP Candy


    1. Type of Banner: Clan Banner 2. Name and Additional Text: SYN Equinox 3. Theme of Banner: Northern Lights, animated 4. Color Scheme: Dark purple, blue, light green, faded gold.