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  1. SYN Tragedy

    Transfer Requests

    Clan Name: SYN Rebellion User ID: Cowgirlcolt Outgoing Clan Name: SYN Predators Division: SYN Section Leader: SYN Sobi XS
  2. SYN Tragedy

    Transfer Requests

    Clan Name: SYN Rebellion Member ID: SYN Princess Outgoing Clan Name: SYN Predators Division: SYN Section Leader: SYN Sobi XS
  3. SYN Tragedy

    Name Change Requests

    CLAN NAME: SYN Rebellion RANK: Sergeant CURRENT GAMERTAG: Nebula Chi DESIRED GAMERTAG: SYN Luci SYN Lucifege SYN Lucid
  4. SYN Tragedy

    Name Change Requests

    CLAN NAME: SYN Rebellion Rank: Captain Current Gamertag: PrincessWolf Desired Gamertag: 1. SYN Princess 2. SYN Rebel 3. SYN Feyre
  5. SYN Tragedy

    APPROVED: The Events Team Presents a Cards Against Humanity Game Night

    Game to be played: Cards Against Humanity (website) Date: 5/25/2024 @9pm EST Hosts: SYN Tragedy and SYN Weeb Game Mode: This is a private game with only XG members. Members wishing to participate will be given the password when we gather for the event. Mass Message: The Events Team presents...
  6. SYN Tragedy

    Transfer Requests

    Member ID: EmeDiffers Current Clan: SYN Rebellion Out Going Clan: ??? Division: XGC Why are they transferring?: Transferring to XGC due to playing PC and not feeling like they fit in that well here in SYN. Out Going Clan Section Leader: ???
  7. SYN Tragedy

    SYN Angel307 Memorial

    Remembering SYN Angel307 Composed by SYN Tragedy, SYN Sobi XS, and SYN Jay SYN Angel307 joined SYN on October 28, 2023. He was initially recruited into SYN Devil Dogs and remained there throughout his time in the XG Community. On March 3, 2024, SYN Angel307, and his very large walking stick...
  8. SYN Tragedy

    Name Change Requests

    Clan Name: SYN Rebellion Rank: LT Current GamerTag: Hexed01 Desired GamerTags: 1. SYN Malvado 2. SYN ORO 3. SYN OSO
  9. SYN Tragedy

    A Night to Remember

    Let’s Party like it’s 2006! As many of you know, Xiled Gaming was founded January 6th, 2006. If you are quick with the math, that means that on January 6th, 2024, Xiled Gaming will be turning 18! In honor of Xiled Gaming’s 18th birthday, the Events Team has organized a wide variety of...
  10. SYN Tragedy

    Change Is In The Air

    Thank you
  11. SYN Tragedy

    Change Is In The Air

    Thank you
  12. SYN Tragedy

    Transfer Requests

    Member ID: MU5ik M1X3R Current Clan: SYN Rebellion Out Going Clan: SYN Predators Division: SYNdicate Why are they transferring?: They play with Predators more than Rebellion. Out Going Clan Section Leader: SYN Sobi XS
  13. SYN Tragedy

    Upcoming article topics or ideas

    Due to Xiled Gaming’s upcoming 18th birthday, I will be writing an article about the upcoming birthday bash event, with a little backstory or the community.
  14. SYN Tragedy

    Upcoming article topics or ideas

    This article is complete and located in a new thread.
  15. SYN Tragedy

    Change Is In The Air

    Change Is In The Air Gaming today is much more advanced than it was when Xiled Gaming was founded seventeen years ago. As technology has evolved, the interaction between players has devolved. Back in the day, you could jump into a COD: Black Ops 2 lobby and have a conversation with your...
  16. SYN Tragedy

    Upcoming article topics or ideas

    I am writing an article about ways to make gaming fun again and potentially boost recruits.
  17. SYN Tragedy

    SYN Tragedy Application

    1.) SYN Tragedy 2.) I have written many short stories for family entertainment, as well as an in progress book. 3.) I am interested in writing about Community Events/Members, Leaders History with the Community, Hot Games, and Ways to Have Fun in Clans. 4.) Gaming today is much more advanced...
  18. SYN Tragedy

    Advanced Generals Class on Oct 21st at 9 EST

    Gamer Tag: SYN Tragedy Clan: SYN Rebellion Section Leader: SYN Sobi XS Estimated time as General: 2 Months
  19. SYN Tragedy

    Intro to Generals Class on October 7th at 9:00 PM EST

    Gamer Tag: SYN Tragedy Clan: SYN Rebellion Section Leader: SYN Sobi XS Estimated time as General: 8 weeks