TakeHimNotMe Jun 5, 2020 Yeah, man. I appreciate it. It's fun, a way to escape some of the craziness happening out there in the real world. You been doin alright?
Yeah, man. I appreciate it. It's fun, a way to escape some of the craziness happening out there in the real world. You been doin alright?
XGC Taurus Feb 28, 2018 Bro why did you shoot out my wheel are you kidding me? Gets out truck shoots out wheel out of truck we are all going to use lmfao.
Bro why did you shoot out my wheel are you kidding me? Gets out truck shoots out wheel out of truck we are all going to use lmfao.
X X XGC DeathMan XS Feb 28, 2018 Thanks bro we all had fun as well, we all must do it again sometime.