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Weekly Notes XS-General attendance


Section Leader
Jan 28, 2019
Mission quote of the day:
“A leader takes people where they want to go. A great leader takes people where they don’t necessarily want to go, but ought to be.”
Rosalynn Carter, former first lady of the United States


I. Looking to the Future

Welcome to the New Year! We hope everyone had good holidays! With the New Year upon us, we would like Section Leaders / Clan Leaders and even Squad Leaders if you have them to take a look at your squads / clans and set some goals. Where are you now? Where would you like to be? How are you going to get there as a team? Let's make 2025 your year!

II. Tickets:

Submitting tickets are simple and easy IF you follow the format. Also, if more than 1 member is being removed or transferred, put it on the same ticket. Easy peasy and its done. Always remember the thread title is the CLAN name only.

Thread Title: Name of the clan

Clan Name: name of the clan
User ID: The name of the member to remove from the clan
Discord ID: If adding/removing Event Coordinator role.
Reason: Why you are requesting for this member(s) to be removed
Note: You must be the Clan Leader or Section Leader of the clan in order to submit a request. Please remember to use the member's exact username.

lII. Discord

As a Leader in Xiled gaming, you have certain responsibilities that are required. For Section Leaders, you must moderate Section’s clan forums and Discord Channels. This means you as a Section Leader is in charge of making sure the correct leadership is in each role in your Section and the correct roles are set. As for Clan Leaders, you are to maintain the discord channels.

Xiled Gaming:

Xiled Gaming would like to Thank everyone that came out to celebrate XG’s 19th Birthday, as we finished the night off with the BO6 custom games.

A special thanks to the members of the Events team that planned and coordinated the Birthday Bash and to the Design Team for the wonderful Flyers that was made to spread the word. Thanks to their efforts, everyone was able to have a great time and meet new community members.

V. Leader Logs

When a member is removed from our community for an honor code violation, a Leader Log should be done by the Section Leader. When members submit a removal request for said member, it would be helpful for the XS to respond to this request with a link posted to the Leader Log. Why?

Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Chivalry 2 Game Night
Friday, January 10th @ 7:30pm EST
With your hosts: SYN Gluttony 7 and SYN Sobi XS
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a BO6 Prop Hunt Game Night
Saturday, January 18th @ 9:00 pm EST
With your hosts SYN CHELL XD and XGC MANGO
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!

The Events Team Presents a Among Us Game Night
Saturday, January 25th @ 9:00 pm EST
With your hosts SYN CHELL XD and XGC Khaleesi
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


Section Leader
Jan 28, 2019
01/19/2025 @ 8 PM AND 9 PM EST

Mission quote of the day:

"You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today"
Returning members

We have the gwg process for a reason. The GWG process helps filter out people that are not fit for the community. Under no circumstance should a section leader or clan leader be adding someone to the user group that needs to do a gwg. Section leaders /clan leaders do not have the authority to bypass the gwg process for any reason. Anytime you have someone wishing to return to the community, research needs to be done. Here lately there have been a lot of returning members being added to user groups that need a gwg or have a gwg pending. At no point in time should someone that has a pending gwg be added to any user group.If you have someone wishing to return to the community, and they were removed for anything other than inactivity, then they need to put in a gwg to return. If you are unsure if a gwg is needed ask your peer, section leader, or division leader.


Leaders when we are doing a transfer. Let's make sure we are following proper steps. There has been too many instances where members are asking for transfers and leaders are taking it into there own hands and not properly handling the situation like it should be handled.

Remember In-Side Sections Transfers are done between Clan Leaders.

Outside Sections - Transfers are handled between Section Leaders

Outside Divisions - Transfers are handled by Section Leaders unless it's a problematic member then Division Leaders are to be involved.

We have 72 hrs to complete transfers.

Name Changes

Section Leaders: Please make sure that you are being vigilant with name changes. Remember we do not approve name changes that are vulgar in any way. They should not reference curse words or be sexual in any way. Also, make sure that you are checking all 3 divisions when doing your research for name changes. (Ex: if someone is requesting XGC Razor and there is a SYN Razor or KoG Razor that name would be denied.

Clan Leaders: Please take time and talk to your members about the proper way to do a name change. Once they reach the rank of member they earn the privilege of adding the XG tags to their gamer tags. If they want to add an XG tag to their gamer tag, they need to submit three names to their leadership and they will then submit it to the Section Leader for approval. Also, please make sure that when recruits are being read in that you are explaining this and that they are understanding this process. Lastly, please advise anyone doing a name change that they must change it on the website first and once it goes through and is completed, they can then change their gamertag.


The XTEAM has 2 Challenge request one on Rocket League that will be 3v3 Soccer the other is Bo6 please send me a message if you can help out and fill the team I have 1 maybe 2 for RL and 4 I believe for Bo6.
Dates are to be determined.
Reach out to SYN CAREBEAR XS for this please.

Community Events:

The Events Team Presents a Among Us Game Night
Saturday, January 25th @ 9:00 pm EST
With your hosts SYN CHELL XD and XGC Khaleesi
Send a message to either host for an invite to the event!


Section Leader
Jan 28, 2019
"The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not more followers" (Ralph Nader).

Recruiting for Longevity:

We love it when our clans and clan leaders are go getters but, sometimes slower is better! With our recent transition in clan structure to be smaller, tighter and more intimate, It’s not always the answer to recruit in bulk. We would like to see clans build and grow but, also should be done at a pace at which each member we extend a membership to is treated in a way that they’ll be a forever memeber. Our structure is in a position currently where getting to know each member and having their experience be the focal point is better than ever. We aren’t telling you not to recruit we are just asking to take your time building long lasting relationships and friendships so that your clan can prosper for a long time!

Honor Code IV:

All XGC members are encouraged to share any issues or ideas through the chain of command and with XC/XI at ANYTIME! The leaders of Xiled Gaming believe in the open-door policy in order to encourage openness and transparency with all members of the community.

X-Team Challenges:

COD BO6 challenge against the X-Team. SYN Fallen Angels won the match!!!!!! Congrats to SYN Fallen Angels on the win.

X-Team won the Rocket League Challenge against XGC Wolfpack XK Congrats to the X-Team on a hard fought win!!!!

Community Game Night.

The Events Team Presents an Golf with Friends Game Night
Saturday Feb 22nd at 9:00 pm EST

The Events Team Presents a BO6 Prop Hunt Game Night
on Friday, Feb 28th @ 9:00 pm EST
With your hosts XGC Khalessi, SYN CHELL XD and SYN JAY XS


Section Leader
Jan 28, 2019
A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new.” - Albert Einstein

If someone leaves the community or gets kicked, the only path for them back into the community is through either the GWG or by XC/XI approval. If someone is allowed back in, circumventing that process, the leaders responsible will be held accountable.

Discord Refresh:
The discords have underwent/undergoing changes to freshen/clean them up. If anyone has any feedback, suggestions, or concerns please pass that along to SYN EM XD

Pending Issue Resolution:
If you have an issue or concern you have brought to leadership, please give them the time and space to get it resolved. Just because issues are not handled same day/night doesn’t mean the leaders aren’t gathering info or scheduling a meet with other individuals that your concerns may pertain to. Our leaders work as quick and as precise as possible so please give them the time they need.

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