Transferring from SYN Guardians
Clan Name: SYN Guardians
Gamertag: PretzelQueen
Rank: Member
Clan Leader's Name: SYN PHYCOSIS
Transferring to: KoG Xiled Kings
Clan Name: KoG Xiled Kings
Clan Leader: Spaghettiho
Section Leader: KoG Gibz XD
Reason for transfer: Pretzel requested the transfer because she has friends with Xiled Kings that she used to play with and hang out with frequently. When her husband joined SYN RedBeard, he made it up to a clan leader over SYN Shipwrecked, and she ended up coming over to SYN and was a part of SYN Guardians for quite some time. Leadership has changed over the past few months, and newcomers have come in and due to changes in her personal life. She has not had much of a chance to play games or participate in clan-related activities. Since things have calmed and she has more free time to game, a member of KoG Xiled Kings that she was close to months ago has resumed day-to-day activities with her. Pretzel feels that being in this section of this clan would make her feel closer to home, and she would like membership so that she can step in and assist with maintaining her membership within XG and also help grow Xiled Kings and perhaps KoG.