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Xiled Gaming has grown to be the largest and most successful gaming community on XBOX LIVE! Xiled Gaming is moving forward and NOT looking back at the past! With talented leaders who are working on different and important things, Xiled Gaming has an amazing future! The leaders are all working for the same goal and as a team, which is always the most important ingredient for success. Xiled Gaming has the support of most of our neighboring gaming communities. Nothing is better than all of the gaming communities working and playing the game together. XBOX LIVE has never been a more fun and exciting environment then right now. There are several gaming communities out there for you to choose from all with different approaches.

Xiled Gaming is about 3 things:

  • Sportsmanship

  • Respect

  • Fair Play

These three characteristics are very important to all of the members of Xiled Gaming! The quality of the gamer is most important and represents those values! When you have quantity versus quality, those values are forgotten. In a perfect world every gamer on XBOX LIVE would share these same values. But unfortunately that is not the case. Xiled Gaming provides the best gaming environment for everyone! Everyone’s ideas are heard and the majority and not the individual run it. Xiled Gaming is working hard to supply the highest quality gamer for our members to play with and get to know.


(XI) Council Leader

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