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  • Hey i have some really bad family issues i need to work out like family dieing and all also other stuff i will prob not be on for a week or soo maybe less but i wanted to give u the heads up!! this will take place friday or the weekend ok thanks!!!

    ONE day my dream is to be up on the higer end of the rank chart!!!!
    Sorry Swat I haven't been on here in a while so im just getting your message.The best kill of the week sounds good to me.We can talk about it with the rest of the guys tonight at the officers meeting but its a great idea
    hey congrats swat on lt man looking forward to battling with ya espescially on wmd left side behind 2 haha
    whats up swat thanks for the offer for the help bro. The squad list should be up to date as of the 15.We did just have a few more promotions as of 20mar2011.That will be posted on the first sor the updated list.How ever if you have an email and would like i can send you the updated list every time i make a change or i can send it to your email on here.Thats up to you just let me know.
    ha you look just like i though you would why so serious? see thats a group pic in the woods gonna bust a meth lab? or tracking a rolling doughnut down (the one that got away)
    see ya buddy!
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