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XGC Acetylene

I'll hang out with whoever, wherever, and whenever, and probably drink them under the table if I can. If I can't then I'll have them drive me home.
- "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott.

You might kick my *** today, but five days from now I'll be in waiting in the bushes outside your house with a f*ckin' baseball bat!
- Zakk Wylde.
"We just want to make the walls cave in and the ceiling collapse. We all have always shared a common belief that music is meant to be played as loud as possible, really raw and raunchy and I'll punch out anyone who doesn't like it the way I do."
- Bon Scott

"The higher up the ladder you get, the brighter your *** shines." - Ernest Tubb to Johnny Cash

Working, Welding, Gaming
Alberta Canada
XG Rank
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
  1. Male
pipe welder
geter done



sig made bye xgc radioactive

were ive been

xgc unforgivin rct-lt