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10,000 generations into the future I'll be born. There won't seem to be any use for me then, so I'll grow restless. Eventually, the restlessness will overcome me, and I'll use a time machine to time travel all the way back to right now. Much to my exasperation, it will turn out that there's even less use for me right now than there had been 10,000 generations into the future from now. So, I'll gradually resign myself to a life vascillating between the uselessness of boredom and the uselessness of inefficacy. And, in such a state, I'll pretty much just sit around creating electronic music, tinkering with computers, and playing Halo.

Then, 10,000 lifetimes from now, I'll be born and do it all over again.

Electronic Music
Fixing computers
Breaking computers
Repairing Networks
Ruining Networks
in the spaces between subatomic particles
XG Rank
Gaming Community
  1. XGC
Gaming Consoles
IT Consultant
Nunc securus exstinguare computarum est. (It is now safe to turn off your computer.)


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