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SYN Vital Organ
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  • Not much point in beating a dead horse anymore, dude. I don't even play CoD except after meetings, and I don't really get much out of it then. (And, yeah, I'm probably even giving up on BF3, to boot; hit 50 and realized I'm probably done.) I've kinda been hoping it would pick up a bit which is why I've held out for so long, but I just don't have much of a taste for it anymore. It's not like I've been so active the past few months anyway.

    Everyone in Syndicate has been great, and I wish you and Rapture good things. I'm not falling off the earth entirely, so don't hesitate to give me a buzz! Take care.
    haha I wasn't on long, just visiting with some old friends. I didn't play any games or anything. Be safe bro, ill probably be on. Take it easy.
    Young17Caesar decided that the community wasn't a fit for him as well as XeG ReconFox. Please remove both of them off of your squad list. Thanks.
    I missed you last night, I'll be on tonight for awhile, if I don't catch up with you tonight then I can always touch base with you tomorrow before the meeting.
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