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SYN Nestik

My name is Caleb, I go by Nestik in game, I've been playing on Xbox Live for over 10 years and I'm a former semi-pro in Halo.

I've been in KoG, XGC and SYN as well as the Xiled Design Team numerous occasions throughout my lengthy Xbox career and previously held the rank of General more than 2 times in my overall time in these communities. While I am no longer a member here due to pursuing my dream and future career choice I hold many memories with these communities and I am looking to expand upon these.

Programming, Design (Any kind really, web, graphic, etc.) Games
Ohio (Formerly Virginia)
XG Rank
Gaming Consoles
  2. PC
  1. Male


my xg history

recruited into xgc hellfire xk in january 2006 by xgc darkness.

xgc hellfire xk -- recruit to captain
7th syn rapture(july 2006) -- one of the first generals of rapture.​
xgc deception (september 2007) -- recruit to general
syn xiled kingz (may 2009) -- recruit to captain
syn nocturnal (november 2011) -- private to lieutenant